Fórum Ubuntu CZ/SK

Ostatní => Archiv => Téma založeno: Martin 03 Července 2007, 09:12:10

Název: .asc .md5
Přispěvatel: Martin 03 Července 2007, 09:12:10
prosim vas, muzete mi nekdo rict jak stahnout distribuci slackwre linux 12?


tady jsou jen malinke soubory. na to je nejaky figl? dekuji.
Název: .asc .md5
Přispěvatel: Vojtěch Trefný 03 Července 2007, 09:22:20
Četl jste README?
If you're reading this on ftp.slackware.com, you will find that the
ISO images are not here.  This is because we simply don't have the
bandwidth at ftp.slackware.com to provide ISO images.
ISO downloads take a long time, and block people from retrieving
small updates.

If you're looking to download the ISO, consider using BitTorrent.
If there are active torrents available, information may be found on
on http://slackware.com.  BitTorrent is available as a package for
Slackware in the /extra directory.

Mirror sites may also have the ISO images up for FTP.

Use the .asc files here to verify your ISO images are authentic.