rr@rr:~/Plocha/a541gwin$ wine ./ASTROLOG.EXE modify_ldt: Nepřípustný argumentmodify_ldt: Nepřípustný argumentmodify_ldt: Nepřípustný argumentmodify_ldt: Nepřípustný argumentmodify_ldt: Nepřípustný argumenterr:module:attach_process_dlls "krnl386.exe16" failed to initialize, abortingerr:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\windows\\system32\\winevdm.exe" failed, status c0000005rr@rr:~/Plocha/a541gwin$
> wine --versionwine-1.7.2
rr@rr:~/Plocha/a541gsrc$ ./astrolog -HAstrolog (version 5.41G) command switches: -H: Display this help list. -Hc: Display program credits and copyrights. -HC: Display names of zodiac signs and houses. -HO: Display available planets and other celestial objects. -HA: Display available aspects, their angles, and present orbs. -HF: Display names of astronomical constellations. -HS: Display information about planets in the solar system. -HI: Display meanings of signs, houses, planets, and aspects. -He: Display all info tables together (-Hc-H-Y-HX-HC-HO-HA-HF-HS-HI). -Q: Prompt for more command switches after display finished. -Q0: Like -Q but prompt for additional switches on startup. -M <1-48>: Run the specified command switch macro. -M0 <1-48> <string>: Define the specified command switch macro. -Y: Display help list of less commonly used command switches.Switches which determine the type of chart to display: -v: Display list of object positions (chosen by default). -v0: Like -v but express velocities relative to average speed. -w [<rows>]: Display chart in a graphic house wheel format. -w0 [..]: Like -w but reverse order of objects in houses 4..9. -g: Display aspect and midpoint grid among planets. -g0: Like -g but flag aspect configurations (e.g. Yod's) too. -g0: For comparison charts, show midpoints instead of aspects. -ga: Like -g but indicate applying instead of difference orbs. -gp: Like -g but generate parallel and contraparallel aspects. -a: Display list of all aspects ordered by influence. -a0: Like -a but display aspect summary too. -a[0]a: Like -a but indicate applying and separating orbs. -a[0]p: Like -a but do parallel and contraparallel aspects. -m: Display all object midpoints in sorted zodiac order. -m0: Like -m but display midpoint summary too. -ma: Like -m but show aspects from midpoints to planets as well. -Z: Display planet locations with respect to the local horizon. -Z0: Like -Z but express coordinates relative to polar center. -Zd: Search day for object local rising and setting times. -S: Display x,y,z coordinate positions of planets in space. -l: Display Gauquelin sectors for each planet in chart. -l0: Like -l but approximate sectors using Placidus cusps. -j: Display astrological influences of each object in chart. -j0: Like -j but include influences of each zodiac sign as well. -L [<step>]: Display astro-graph locations of planetary angles. -L0 [..]: Like -L but display list of latitude crossings too. -K: Display a calendar for given month. -Ky: Like -K but display a calendar for the entire year. -d [<step>]: Print all aspects and changes occurring in a day. -dm: Like -d but print all aspects for the entire month. -dy: Like -d but print all aspects for the entire year. -dY <years>: Like -d but search within a number of years. -dp <month> <year>: Print aspects within progressed chart. -dpy <year>: Like -dp but search for aspects within entire year. -dpY <year> <years>: Like -dp but search within number of years. -dp[y]n: Search for progressed aspects in current month/year. -D: Like -d but display aspects by influence instead of time. -E: Display planetary ephemeris for given month. -Ey: Display planetary ephemeris for the entire year. -EY <years>: Display planetary ephemeris for a number of years. -e: Print all charts together (i.e. -v-w-g0-a-m-Z-S-l-K-j0-L0-d-D-E). -t <month> <year>: Compute all transits to natal planets in month. -tp <month> <year>: Compute progressions to natal in month for chart. -tr <month> <year>: Compute all returns in month for chart. -t[p]y: <year>: Compute transits/progressions for entire year. -t[p]Y: <year> <years>: Compute transits for a number of years. -t[py]n: Compute transits to natal planets for current time now. -T <month> <day> <year>: Display transits ordered by influence. -Tp <month> <day> <year>: Print progressions instead of transits. -T[p]n: Display transits ordered by influence for current date. -P [<parts>]: Display list of Arabic parts and their positions. -P0 [<parts>]: Like -P but display formulas with terms reversed. -P[z,n,f]: Order parts by position, name, or formula. -I [<columns>]: Print interpretation of selected charts. Switches which affect how the chart parameters are obtained: -n: Compute chart for this exact moment using current time. -n[d,m,y]: Compute chart for start of current day, month, year. -z [<zone>]: Change the default time zone (for -d-E-t-q options). -z0 [<offset>]: Change the default daylight time setting. -zl <long> <lat>: Change the default longitude & latitude. -zt <time>: Set only the time of current chart. -zd <date>: Set only the day of current chart. -zm <month>: Set only the month of current chart. -zy <year>: Set only the year of current chart. -zi <name> <place>: Set name and place strings of current chart. -q <month> <date> <year> <time>: Compute chart with defaults. -qd <month> <date> <year>: Compute chart for noon on date. -qm <month> <year>: Compute chart for first of month. -qy <year>: Compute chart for first day of year. -qa <month> <date> <year> <time> <zone> <long> <lat>: Compute chart automatically given specified data. -qb <month> <date> <year> <time> <daylight> <zone> <long> <lat>: Like -qa but takes additional parameter for daylight offset. -qj <day>: Compute chart for time of specified Julian day. -i <file>: Compute chart based on info in file. -i[2,3,4] <file>: Load chart info into chart slots 2, 3, or 4. -o <file> [..]: Write parameters of current chart to file. -o0 <file> [..]: Like -o but output planet/house positions. -os <file>, > <file>: Redirect output of text charts to file.Switches which affect what information is used in a chart: -R [<obj1> [<obj2> ..]]: Restrict specific bodies from displays. -R0 [<obj1> ..]: Like -R but restrict everything first. -R1 [<obj1> ..]: Like -R0 but unrestrict and show all objects. -R[C,u,U]: Restrict all minor cusps, all uranians, or stars. -RT[0,1,C,u,U] [..]: Restrict transiting planets in -t lists. -RA [<asp1> ..]: Restrict aspects by giving them negative orbs. -C: Include angular and non-angular house cusps in charts. -u: Include transneptunian/uranian bodies in charts. -U: Include locations of fixed background stars in charts. -U[z,l,n,b]: Order by azimuth, altitude, name, or brightness. -A <0-18>: Specify the number of aspects to use in charts. -Ao <aspect> <orb>: Specify maximum orb for an aspect. -Am <planet> <orb>: Specify maximum orb allowed to a planet. -Ad <planet> <orb>: Specify orb addition given to a planet. -Aa <aspect> <angle>: Change the actual angle of an aspect.Switches which affect how a chart is computed: -b: Use ephemeris files for more accurate location computations. -b0: Like -b but display locations to the nearest second too. -c <value>: Select a different default system of houses. (0 = Placidus, 1 = Koch, 2 = Equal, 3 = Campanus, 4 = Meridian, 5 = Regiomontanus, 6 = Porphyry, 7 = Morinus, 8 = Topocentric, 9 = Alcabitius, 10 = Equal (MC), 11 = Neo-Porphyry, 12 = Whole, 13 = Vedic, 14 = None.) -s [..]: Compute a sidereal instead of the normal tropical chart. -sr: Compute right ascension locations relative to equator. -s[z,h,d]: Display locations as in zodiac, hours/minutes, or degrees. -h [<objnum>]: Compute positions centered on specified object. -p <month> <day> <year>: Cast 2ndary progressed chart for date. -p0 <month> <day> <year>: Cast solar arc chart for date. -p[0]n: Cast progressed chart based on current date now. -pd <days>: Set no. of days to progress / day (default 365.25). -x <value>: Cast harmonic chart based on specified factor. -1 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Ascendant. -2 [<objnum>]: Cast chart with specified object on Midheaven. -3: Display objects in their zodiac decan positions. -f: Display houses as sign positions (flip them). -G: Compute houses based on geographic location only. -J: Display wheel charts in Vedic format. -9: Display objects in their zodiac navamsa positions. -F <objnum> <sign> <deg>: Force object's position to be value. -+ [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the future. -- [<days>]: Cast chart for specified no. of days in the past. -+[m,y] [<value>]: Cast chart for no. of months/years in future. Switches for relationship and comparison charts: -r <file1> <file2>: Compute a relationship synastry chart. -rc <file1> <file2>: Compute a composite chart. -rm <file1> <file2>: Compute a time space midpoint chart. -r[c,m]0 <file1> <file2> <ratio1> <ratio2>: Weighted chart. -rd <file1> <file2>: Print time span between files' dates. -rb <file1> <file2>: Display biorhythm for file1 at time file2. -r0 <file1> <file2>: Keep the charts separate in comparison. -rp[0] <file1> <file2>: Like -r0 but do file1 progr. to file2. -rt <file1> <file2>: Like -r0 but treat file2 as transiting. -r[3,4]: Make graphics wheel chart tri-wheel or quad-wheel. -y <file>: Display current house transits for particular chart. -y[b,d,p,t] <file>: Like -r0 but compare to current time now.Switches to access graphics options: -k: Display text charts using Ansi characters and color. -k0: Like -k but only use special characters, not Ansi color. -X: Create a graphics chart instead of displaying it as text. -Xb[n,c,v,a,b]: Set bitmap file output mode to X11 normal, compacted, very compact, Ascii (bmtoa), or Windows bmp. -Xp: Create PostScript stroke graphic instead of bitmap file. -Xp0: Like -Xp but create complete instead of encapsulated file. -XM[0]: Create Windows metafile stroke graphic instead of bitmap. -Xo <file>: Write output bitmap or graphic to specified file. -Xm: Create monochrome graphic instead of one in color. -Xr: Create chart graphic in reversed colors (white background). -Xw <hor> [<ver>]: Change the size of chart graphic. -Xs <100,200,300,400>: Change the size of map or characters by %. -Xi: Create chart graphic in slightly modified form. -Xt: Inhibit display of chart info at bottom of graphic. -Xu: Inhibit display of a border around graphic. -Xl: Inhibit labeling of object points in chart graphic. -Xj: Don't clear screen between chart updates, drawing trails. -X1 <object>: Rotate wheel charts so object is at left edge. -X2 <object>: Rotate wheel charts so object is at top edge. -XW: Simply create an image of the world map. -XW0: Like -XW but do a non-rectangular Mollewide projection. -XG [<degrees>]: Display the image of the world as a globe. -XP: Like -XG but create the globe from a polar projection. -XF: Display maps as constellations on the celestial sphere.