ted jsem cetl na root.cz clanek o steamu a asi nejvic me zaujalo, ze Stallmanovi se zase neco nelibi ..
ma ten clovek tu retardaci z nejakejch psychofarmak ? od tedka uz nebudu rikat ty *&^%$, ale "ty Stallmane" .. to je mozna jeste vetsi urazka ..
edit, tak podle vseho to neni z drog
11:35 < mnice> god, i've read some Stallman rants againts Steam ported on Linux .. it's not they say gpl* .. oh god, this man is retard
11:36 < mnice> is it drugs which made that to him ?
11:36 < crilly> No, not drugs, but the fact he eats his own skin.
11:37 < crilly> "Biorecycling."