Zdrawim, mam Webkameru znacky Technika, Model: TKVGACM1 zakoupenou v Tescu
Po zapojeni do usb, se rozsviti zelena kontrolka a zhasne, jenze, kdyz chci webkameru zapnout, tak to udela to stejne (svetlo ma svitit po celou dobu zapnuti). Zkousel jsem program camorama a libimseti chat, ale ani na jednom nenabehla. Na
ubuntuforums jsem, ale nasel prispevek, kde nekdo psal:
If you're in that UK, Tesco sells (or sold - I bought mine a couple of months ago) cheap Technika web cams for £10 that work perfectly out of the box on Dapper and Edgy.
Myslite, ze to muze byt tim, ze pouzivam feisty?
Blizsi specifikace:
Snimac obrazu: 640x480 pixelu, CMOS
PC rozhrani: USB1.1 nebo vyssi
Tak jsem si rekl, ze bych mohl zkusit nainstalovat ovladac pro windows (ve wine), ktery je na prilozenem CD. Nevim jestli by to pomohlo, ale i tak se to nepovedlo.
Hned pri prvnim "next" se zobrazi tato chyba:
Nezpracovana vyjimka
Cislo chyby: 0x80020005
Popis: Instalacni program bude nyni ukoncen
Vypis z prikazove radky:
jh@jh-desktop:~/Desktop/Driver$ wine setup.exe
fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"jh" (nil) 0x33be6c (nil) 0x33be70 0x33be64 - stub
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"jh" 0x138940 0x33be6c 0x13c330 0x33be70 0x33be64 - stub
err:msi:ITERATE_DuplicateFiles Failed to copy file L"c:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\InstallShield\\Driver\\9\\Intel 32\\IDriver.exe" -> L"c:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\InstallShield\\Driver\\9\\Intel 32\\", last error 80
fixme:msi:ITERATE_DuplicateFiles We should track these duplicate files as well
fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub RemoveFolders -> 2 ignored L"CreateFolder" table values
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"jh" (nil) 0x34cecc (nil) 0x34ced0 0x34cec4 - stub
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"jh" 0x16ed10 0x34cecc 0x16ed48 0x34ced0 0x34cec4 - stub
fixme:msi:MSI_GetProductInfo L"InstallSource"
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"jh" (nil) 0x34cecc (nil) 0x34ced0 0x34cec4 - stub
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"jh" 0x177f40 0x34cecc 0x177dd0 0x34ced0 0x34cec4 - stub
err:msi:deformat_environment Unknown environment variable L"ALLUSERSPROFILE"
fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub MigrateFeatureStates -> 1 ignored L"Upgrade" table values
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid {ffffffff-ffff-ffff-2000-00000d000000}
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:ifproxy_release_public_refs IRemUnknown_RemRelease failed with error 0x80070108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid {ffffffff-ffff-ffff-2000-00000d000000}
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:ifproxy_release_public_refs IRemUnknown_RemRelease failed with error 0x80070108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid {ffffffff-ffff-ffff-2000-00000d000000}
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:ifproxy_release_public_refs IRemUnknown_RemRelease failed with error 0x80070108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid {ffffffff-ffff-ffff-2000-00000d000000}
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:ifproxy_release_public_refs IRemUnknown_RemRelease failed with error 0x80070108
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid {ffffffff-ffff-ffff-2000-00000d000000}
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:ifproxy_release_public_refs IRemUnknown_RemRelease failed with error 0x80070108
fixme:ntdll:RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb no mapping for 8000000a
err:ole:local_server_thread Failure during ConnectNamedPipe 317
err:ole:dispatch_rpc no apartment found for ipid {ffffffff-ffff-ffff-2000-00000d000000}
err:rpc:I_RpcReceive we got fault packet with status 0x80010108
err:ole:ifproxy_release_public_refs IRemUnknown_RemRelease failed with error 0x80070108