Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Game Homepage
Tested Wine Version: 20031212 with fake C drive and opengl enabled
*Note: You will need to install VC on a Windows system because you the setup program doesn't work in wine. You can install everything onto your harddrive or you can choose to do the partial install with the audio files still on the CD.
Once installed in Windows, go ahead the run the program so that it can configure itself.
Bootup Linux, and make sure your ~/.wine/config is setup properly. If when you installed you opted to keep audio files on the CD, make sure your cd-rom drive device and mount folder are correct. Make sure that your cd device (mine is /dev/cdrom) has proper permissions. I use chmod 777 /dev/cdrom (do this while root). Next, for Windows version to imitate, set it to win98 and make sure the line is uncommented. Under the WinMM section, uncomment the line for the wineoss driver. Those who use Alsa should still be able to use this, granted that they have oss compatibility built into the kernel or as a module.
The last thing to check/change in the config is under the dsound section. I recommend uncommenting all the options and keeping the default values set.
Now, simply copy your entire VC directory from Windows to your fake C drive. I put mine in ~/c/Program\ Files/Rockstar\ Games/Grand\ Theft\ Auto\ Vice\ City/ You will need a no-cd cracked exe from for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City version 1.0. In your VC directory, rename gta-vc.exe to gta-vco.exe and then extract the cracked exe into this directory. (The crack will only remove cd-checks for copy protection, so even if you use your CD for audio, it will still work).
You are all set! In a terminal, cd into your VC directory and type wine gta-vc.exe -- -opengl. The game window will open and let it sit for a few moments. The intro movie will not play, so just click your mouse to get to the VC loading page.
When you get to the menu, you will probably notice that the mouse will be stuck but you can still use your keyboard arrow keys to arrow around the menu. When you click New Game, be prepared for a very slow movie clip. The clips are usually funny, but they dont play well under wine. Just keep pressing the Esc key until the movie begins to fade out. This will be true for all other movies in the game, and they are not needed in order to complete or enjoy the game anyway. The audio is choppy throughout the game, however sound effects are decent. Mainly, the radio stations will be choppy (but still understandable) and speech will probably not be understandable.
When you get control of your character, you will probably notice that it looks like he has paint all over him. I dont know if that is how it will look throughout the game. Walking around and turning all work and driving is better than expected. It runs a bit slower than on my Windows machine, but after a while, you wont notice it too much.
*One thing: If you play the game within a window with a lower resolution than what X is already running in and you move the mouse to turn, it will often leave the window and is a pain to control that way. I added the following lines near the bottom of my wine config file:
"DXGrab" = "Y"
*Another note: the game save under ~/c/My\ Documents/ and you can bring in your saved game from windows if you like. Just dont overwrite the .set file, (I dont know what it is, so I wont mess with it. It is created by the game automatically).
*If your game fails to load after a few runs, noticed by the creation of a window that quickly disappears, then remove those AppSettings lines that you added to the bottom of your wine config file. Amazingly, VC has begun playing in complete full-screen mode at 1024x768!
All I have to say, aside from the mentioned problems, the game is definitely playable and very much enjoyable in Linux!
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