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Autor Téma: konverze 3gp -> avi, zvuk  (Přečteno 5045 krát)


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konverze 3gp -> avi, zvuk
« kdy: 27 Ledna 2008, 01:58:40 »
co pouzivate na konverzi 3gp -> AVI?
 Zatim umim pomoci tohodle skriptiku prevest vsechny 3gp v adresari na 1 avi (musi se jmenovat x_neco_.3gp, treba x1.šgp, x2.3gp, ..), nicmene zvuk nejde, a to sem zkousel i ruzne volby mencoderu (tady ve skriptu je jen nastaveni pro obraz).

Avidemux sice 3gp otevre, ale pri pokusu ulozit avi s jakymkoliv nastavenim spadne (vypis nize).

mencoder -ovc xvid -xvidencopts fixed_quant=1:me_quality=6:trellis:vhq=1:nolumi_mask:bvhq=1 x*.3gp -o out.avi

1c000000 -> 1c000000

 3GPP /MP4/Quicktime file detected..
** opening 3gpp files **
        skipping atom ftyp (66747970) (size 20) at 0x0
        skipping atom udta (75647461) (size 568) at 0x489f0c
Duration : 0 ms
                skipping atom udta (75647461) (size 435) at 0x48a1c0
                skipping atom iods (696F6473) (size 25) at 0x48a37b
Track found
                        skipping atom udta (75647461) (size 48) at 0x48a3a4
Track Id: 3
Duration: 142075 (ms)
tkhd : 320 240
                        skipping atom edts (65647473) (size 40) at 0x48a438
Decoding mdhd
Myscale in mdhd:1000
duration in mdhd:142075.000000 (unscaled)
duration in mdhd:142075.000000 (scaled ms)
hdlr video found
                                        skipping atom vmhd (766D6864) (size 12) at 0x48a4c5
                                        skipping atom dinf (64696E66) (size 28) at 0x48a4d9
Time stts atom found (175)
Using myscale 1000
0 frames /1375 nbsz..
MP4 : 16 x 16
         Tag : 3 Len : 57
         Tag : 4 Len : 49
        DecConfigDesc : Tag 32
         Tag : 5 Len : 34
Sync atom found
#of chunk 142 max per chunk 0 Max # of sample 1375
Time code of last img  : 4295109219000.000000
3GP:Tk 1 Nb sz:1375 nbFrame:1375 duration:0.320132 us
Track found
                        skipping atom udta (75647461) (size 32) at 0x48c522
Track Id: 4
Duration: 142668 (ms)
tkhd : 0 0
                        skipping atom edts (65647473) (size 40) at 0x48c5a6
Decoding mdhd
Myscale in mdhd:8000
duration in mdhd:1141352.000000 (unscaled)
duration in mdhd:142669.000000 (scaled ms)
hdlr audio found (duration 142669.000000 ms)
  (00000000)                                    skipping atom dinf (64696E66) (size 28) at 0x48c643
Time stts atom found (1)
Using myscale 8000
32 frames /7100 nbsz..
                7100 frames of the same size 0 , n=32
All the same size : 32 (total size 227200 bytes)
Total size in byte : 227200
Track found
Track Id: 1
Duration: 17833 (ms)
tkhd : 0 0
Decoding mdhd
Myscale in mdhd:1000
duration in mdhd:142668.000000 (unscaled)
duration in mdhd:142668.000000 (scaled ms)
hdlr found but ignored
msds (7364736D)
                                        skipping atom nmhd (6E6D6864) (size 4) at 0x48ca25
                                        skipping atom dinf (64696E66) (size 28) at 0x48ca31
Time stts atom found (1)
Using myscale 1000
16 frames /1 nbsz..
                1 frames of the same size 0 , n=16
                                                        skipping atom mp4s (6D703473) (size 47) at 0x48cac9
In atom track, the track type is unknown (0)
Track found
Track Id: 2
Duration: 142668 (ms)
tkhd : 0 0
                        skipping atom tref (74726566) (size 16) at 0x48cb64
Decoding mdhd
Myscale in mdhd:1000
duration in mdhd:142668.000000 (unscaled)
duration in mdhd:142668.000000 (scaled ms)
hdlr found but ignored
msdo (6F64736D)
                                        skipping atom nmhd (6E6D6864) (size 4) at 0x48cbd6
                                        skipping atom dinf (64696E66) (size 28) at 0x48cbe2
Time stts atom found (1)
Using myscale 1000
18 frames /1 nbsz..
                1 frames of the same size 0 , n=18
                                                        skipping atom mp4s (6D703473) (size 43) at 0x48cc7a
In atom track, the track type is unknown (0)
Found video codec type :DIVX (58564944)

 0000 : ...�....��.@��_.  00 00 01 b0 03 00 00 01 b5 89 1d 40 80 81 5f 00
 0010 : ...... .Ĉ��P�A�  00 01 00 00 00 01 20 00 c4 88 93 88 50 a0 41 e1
 0020 : F?  46 3f
VOL Header:

 0000 : .Ĉ��P�A�F?  00 c4 88 93 88 50 a0 41 e1 46 3f
320 x 240
MP4 Corrected size : 320 x 240

 3gp audio : 227200 bytes (143 chunks)
Byterate     :1500
Frequency :8000
Encoding   :56
Channels   :1
Extra data :0
3gp Go to time succeeded chunk :0 time ask:0 time get:0
3gp/mov file successfully read..
Deleting post proc
Initializing postproc
Deleting post proc
updating post proc
Enabled type:3 strength:3

 Decoder FCC: DIVX (58564944)FFMpeg build : 3345152
Using 34 bytes of extradata for MPEG4 decoder
 Decoder init: lavcodec CODEC_ID_MPEG4 video decoder initialized!

 checking for B-Frames...

Seems it does not contain B-frames...
 End of B-frame check

 Editor :Audio streamer initialized
 AMR narrow band codec
 Opening AMR codec
FFamr init successful

** conf updated **
Output format:0
 AVI family

 video process mode : 1
 Process mode
 mux mode : 1 mux param 0
[Bridge] Going to time 0
3gp Go to time succeeded chunk :0 time ask:0 time get:0
[Bridge] Starting with time 0, shift 0
[Bridge] Ending with time 0, sample 0
[Bridge] Going to time 0
3gp Go to time succeeded chunk :0 time ask:0 time get:0
[Bridge] Going to time 0
3gp Go to time succeeded chunk :0 time ask:0 time get:0
[PCM] Creating PCM
[PCM]Incoming :fq : 8000, channel : 1
[PCM]PCM successfully initialized
PacketQueue AVI audioQ created
[xvid4]Using 1 x 1 aspect ratio

 Xvid4 cq mode: 4Using Xvid 4 codec with CQ mode = 4 (320x240)
Xvid4 codec configuration:
Vop :HALFPEL is set
Vop :INTER4V is set
Vop :HQACPRED is set
ME :EXTSEARCH16 is set
[AudioQueueThread] Starting
EditorPacket : End of stream
 read failed, end of stream ?
[Bridge] End of stream
[bridge] No data in 0 max 4000 out 0
[AudioQueueThread] Exiting
[AudioThread] Target 4294901760, got 1600, 0.000000 %
Floating point exception (core dumped)
« Poslední změna: 27 Ledna 2008, 02:00:27 od Anna Taliánová »
P4 3GHz, 2GB RAM, Geforce 6600 GT powered by Kubuntu 8.04
One Love - JAH - Rastafari


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Re: konverze 3gp -> avi, zvuk
« Odpověď #1 kdy: 27 Ledna 2008, 10:30:34 »
Zkoušel jsem právě avidemux, ale tuším že jsem to převáděl na mpeg - bylo hodně variant než se mě podařilo to kompletně převést, tedy vč. zvuku, ale jde to.


Re: konverze 3gp -> avi, zvuk
« Odpověď #2 kdy: 27 Ledna 2008, 21:05:45 »
Zkus si stáhnout Mobile Media Converter z téhle adresy


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Re: konverze 3gp -> avi, zvuk
« Odpověď #3 kdy: 28 Ledna 2008, 09:55:46 »
AVI není žádný formát, říká jen, že je tam obrazový i zvukový soubor. Každý je v nějakém formátu, zvuk MP3, AAC apod, obraz divx, xvid, mpeg-1, mpeg-2, mpeg-4 atd... Záleží do čeho to potřebujete dostat a pro jaký účel...

Audio Video Interleave
Pokud vám vaše holka či manželka funguje jak má, neměňte jí za mladší, zaděláte si na problém. Stejně to dělejte i s Ubuntu.


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