Moje kamera od logitechu mi nechtela spolupracovat s guvcview, tkaze jsem napsal vyvojari a vyresilo s eto behem jednoho dne.
U me zabralo spousteni s parametrem
---capture_method=2guvcview --format=yu12 --capture_method=2
Jak vam jednou kamerka pobezi tak se zvolena snimaci metoda ulozi do konfiguraku a pak uz to jede uplne normalne i po kliknuti v menu.
Pro uplnost pridavam vysvetleni vyvojare :
Thank you for the output.
To put it simple your camera is using the old pwc driver, this only
supports the read method (method 2), all new v4l2 drivers support mmap
instead (method 1).
I don't know your kernel version, but I believe pwc is now integrated
into gspca and should support v4l2, so if you ever happen to upgrade
your Ubuntu version, most likely you will need to use method 1 (mmap).
The reason it now works without any options is that the capture method
is stored in the configuration file ~/.guvcviewrc (for /dev/video0)
and ~/.guvcviewrc-video1 (for /dev/video1),
so after you successfully start the camera with some set of
parameters, these are stored in the correspondent config file.
Best regards,
Smozrejme se jedna o pripad ze kamera jede v cheese/skype , jenom guvcview ji nebere.