Zdravim, po davnem padu systemu jsem obnovoval jadro z live CD, bohuzel jsem blbej a nezkusenej, a neprovedl zalohu jadra pred obnovou.
po case jsem zjistili nejake zavady:
- automaticke mountnuti flashdisku a cdrom - nefunguje - pri vlozeni musim neustale mountovat rucne
- Kcontrol pada pri nastaveni "sprava systemu" kdyz se chci prihlasit jako root. pise konretne toto:
nimm2@nimm2-laptop:~$ kcontrol
nimm2@nimm2-laptop:~$ QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QLayout "unnamed" added to QVBox "m_body", which already has a layout
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
Major opcode: 6
Minor opcode: 0
Resource id: 0x28007c9
kcontrol: Fatal IO error: client killed
nimm2@nimm2-laptop:~$ /usr/sbin/ntpdate
Pythonize constructor -- pid = 6814
Python interpreter initialized!
Pythonize constructor -- pid = 6814
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QLayout "unnamed" added to QVBox "m_body", which already has a layout
X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8
Major opcode: 6
Minor opcode: 0
Resource id: 0x2801596
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image
kcontrol: Fatal IO error: client killed
Diky za pomoc. Nimm2