boze !! jdi se nekam lecit !!
Dekujeme za "
konstruktivni" prispevek. Rekl bych, ze vsichni nejdrive vyzkousi strejdu googla.
Problemem spis muze byt, ze to nepochopi (nebo preci jen doufaji v existenci reseni (ci jeho vytvoreni od zdejsich chytrych hlavicek)).
Kazdopadne sem jsem zabrousil az po precteni prvnich 8 odkazu z google - a vsichni se shoduji, ze zatim neexistuji pod Win ovladace pro ext4.
Takze strucna odpoved zni:
NE, nejde se pripojit z Win do Ubuntu s ext 4 
Pokud se mylim, pak mne prosim opravte (budu rad a konecne sam prejdu na ten "uzasny, novy, rychly")...
Pokud existuje reseni, prosim doplnit ho do:
Wiki - Ubuntu - Přístup na linuxové disky z Windowsviz Ext2fsd ... allows access from Windows to ext2 filesystems ... Ext2fsd does not only read ext2 partitions, but also Ext2 was one of the first de facto Linux filesystems, and many new Linux filesystems, such as ext3 and ext4 are backward-compatible with it. Thus, the driver can work with ext3 and possibly ext4.
While technically true, there is one small problem. Ext2fsd will only work with a 128 inode, which is the default in the EXT2 File system. The default inode for Ext4 is 256, rendering it incompatible with Ext2fsd. Also, most newer operating systems, such as Ubuntu 9.04, will by default install a 256 inode with their EXT3 filesystem, in anticipation of upgrading to Ext4 in the future. While you can manually specify to format your new file system utilizing a 128 inode with EXT3, to keep compatibility with Ext2fsd, I'm not sure if the same is true for the Ext4 filesystem, considering that most of the newer attributes of the Ext4 filesystem are stored in the extended Inode. In other words, by installing the Ext4 filesystem with a 128 inode, it's basically the same as having an Ext3 filesystem. (though I could be wrong on this final point).
Edit 3: Vyzkousejte pls nekdo (s dualBootem + ext4) dle by mohl mozna fungovat i (pozor, zatim nekompatibilni s TrueCrypt) ci jejich homePage ( a se na podpore Ext4 usilovne pracuje - takze do podzimu by to mohlo snad fungovat skvele.