nainstaloval jsem Adobe AIR pres tento navod
Open the Terminal
Download the file from here using the wget command:
The name of the file is AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
Save the file in the Home folder (Places > Home Folder)
Run this command:
$ chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
Now run this command:
$ sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin
The normal installer will open, install it. From now whenever you download a .air file, just double click it and it will be installed.
potom se program zaktualizoval, ale problem nastal po stazeni .air souboru (seesmic, tweetdeck), kliknu dvakrat a nic se nedej, kliknu pravym a dam otevrit v prostredi Adobe AIR tak se taky nic nedeje
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