Jasne sorry.....skusal som to na hre World of warcraft, prakticky lagovalo uz pozadie z uvodnej obrazovky....FPS v hre okolo 1-2
Mimochodom našiel som zaujimavý návod na to ale nefunguje možno mi budete vediet pomoct aspon s tym. Takže :
Find the file wtf/Config.wtf in your main WoW directory. By default it is found in /home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/World\ of\ Warcraft/, where <username> is you computer login name. Note that since .wine begins with a period, you will not be able to see it, but you may still access it in a terminal. In the Nautilus file manager, you can press Ctrl + h to see hidden files. If config.wtf does not exist, run the game and log into a character, then exit WoW. The game should then have created the file. Open it using a text editor, and add the following line to it:
SET gxApi "opengl"
Táto cast nejde , po dopísani SET gxApi "opengl" hra pri zapínani vyhadzuje Critical ERROR a nezapne sa
Taktiež som skúsil aj:
Add the following to Config.wtf:
SET ffxDeath "0"
SET ffxGlow "0"
regedit tweaks
This is a simple registry edit for Wine that either will either fix crash issues and increase frame rate in game, or it will decrease the performance and even make the game crash. You should give it a try to see what is does for you, as you may always easily remove it again, if it acts negatively for you.
Open a terminal window, type regedit and press enter. This will start the Wine equivalent of the windows registry editor. If you are familiar with using the registry editor under windows then this is pretty much the same.
Find this key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\
Highlight the wine folder in the left hand pane by clicking left on it. The icon should change to an open folder
Right-click on the wine folder and select [NEW] then [KEY]
Replace the text New Key #1 with OpenGL
Right-click in the right hand pane and select [NEW] then [String Value]
Replace New Value #1 with DisabledExtensions (Notice it's case sensitive!)
Then double click anywhere on the line, a dialog box will open.
In the value field type GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
Tento krok sa dá spravit bez problémov a však nebadam ziadne zmeny v plynulosti hry
Zároveň som troška ešte hľadal ohľadom mojej grafiky (Mobile Intel(R) 945 express Chipset family) a našiel som že všetky graficke karty s typovým oznacenim 9xx sú uz pod ubuntu plne kompatibilné takźe v tomto som sa zrejme mýlil no aj tak neviem ako dalej