Zdravim, panove a snad i damy.
Nahodil jsem si ubuntu z minimal cd a v notification area nemam nm-applet.
Mam jej ve Startup applications, spousti se tam prikazem nm-applet --sm-disable, coz by melo byt spavne.
Applet mi bezi,
ps -A | grep nm-applet mi hodi jeho PID.
Notification area v panelu mam taky
Pokud jej killnu a spustim znova, dostanu toto :
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
** (nm-applet:1599): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0
** (nm-applet:1599): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0
Nesetkal se s tim nekdo ?
Dekuji za odpovedi a vazne jsem zkousel googlit a prolezat tohle forum, nic mi nepomohlo