hi i tried the method and it’s ok 100%i again give the right tutorial …though the author is right always..follow this…..====>Just run this in the terminal:sudo apt-get install hostapdu ll get install hostapd (though u can’t see in DASH HOME)OK NOW..Then, open a text editor program, for example gedit. Copy the following into it.that means open — gedit —from DASH HOMETYPE THE SAME WITH SOME CHANGES….=======================================interface=wlan0driver=nl80211ssid=channel=1hw_mode=gauth_algs=1wpa=3wpa_passphrase=wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSKwpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMPrsn_pairwise=CCMP=======================================KEEP IN MIND THAT IN ABOVE LINES…..ssid= (is your network provider, e.g. mine is reliance EVDO)SO I MODIFY ABOVE LINE AS THIS….ssid=reliance EVDONOWwpa_passphrase= (is your desired password, e.g. mine is maulesh)SO I MODIFY ABOVE LINE AS THIS….wpa_passphrase=mauleshOK NOW DO THIS …AND SAVE FILE GENERATED IN gedit…AS NAME —– hostapd.conf (IN YOUR HOME DIRECTORY)OK NOW U FINISHED ONE PHASE TO MAKE YOUR UBUNUTU MACHINE VIRTUAL ROUTER….THE SECOND PHASE IS MORE IMPORTANT … (IF U FOLLOW OR UNDERSTAND ME CORRECTLY… THEN U WIN)NOW OPEN — network — from DASH HOMEGO TO OR OPEN — wireless —-(see if wireless is ON or not …if OFF then ON it…)NOW PUT YOUR MOUSE CURSER TO THE RIGHT CORNER OF THE SCREEN AND CLICK … U SEE MANY NETWORKS THERE…CLICK— create new wireless network —U LL SEE A NEW WINDOW AS THIS (I CAN’T DRAW SO SEE AS BELOW)NEW WIRELESS NETWORKCONNECTION (NEW)NETWORK NAME (BLANK)WIRELESS SECURITY (WEP 128-BIT PASSPHRASE)KEY (BLANK)(CANCEL) (CREATE)NOW FOLLOW ME>>>>CONNECTION (NEW)NETWORK NAME (your network name -as in hostapd.conf) ((for me reliance EVDO))WIRELESS SECURITY (WPA & WPA2 PERSONAL) ((only select this to protect ur connection))KEY (your desired password -as in hostapd.conf) ((for me maulesh))NOW CLICK (CREATE)OK OK WAIT… JUST FOR SECONDS….AGAIN PUT YOUR MOUSE CURSER TO THE RIGHT CORNER OF THE SCREEN AND CLICK … U SEE MANY NETWORKS THERE…CLICK— connect to hidden wireless network —U LL SEE A NEW WINDOW AS THIS (I CAN’T DRAW SO SEE AS BELOW)CONNECTION (NEW)NETWORK NAME (BLANK)WIRELESS SECURITY (BLANK)(CANCEL) (CREATE)NOW CLICK ON CONNECTION … U LL DEFINITELY SEE YOUR CONFIGURED WIRELESS NETWORK (for me — reliance EVDO– )OK NOW SELECT UR CONFIGURED NETWORK AND CLICK(CONNECT)SO U VE NOW COMPLETED THE SECOND AND MOST IMPORTANT PHASE)JUST A FEW MINUTES TO OBSERVE OR CHECK WE R RIGHT/WRONG SO ..GO TO — terminal — from DASH HOMEGIVE THIS COMMAND …. (don’t close this terminal until u r using network on other machine)sudo hostapd hostapd.confAND NOW THE TERMINAL DANCE… N WE DANCE TOGETHER …CHECK UR WIFI — in tablet or pc….U LL NOTICE THE CONFIGURED NETWORK OPEN FOR U TO SERVE U BETTER ALWAYS…..BYE… THANKS FOR FOLLOW ME….my email is —- elc12thsep00@yahoo.co.inand of course very very fond of LINUX UBUNTU …. and its USERS…..THX…T.C….BYE….
A já bych potřeboval přesný opak. Mám ntb bez wifi a potřeboval bych nasdílet net z wifi mobilu přes USB kabel. Jde to?
Jo, v.2.3.7. Oxygen. Nijak se mi to zatím nepovedlo takto zprovoznit...